Na hvězdárně Třebešín

Closer to the stars, closer to people

Na hvězdárně Třebešín


Flats sold


Project in a nutshell


Prague 10



Type of project

Apartment house

Number of floors


Real estate on offer


Number of units


Imagine that you are living almost in the centre of Prague, but your terrace or balcony is not affected by any noise of the big city. The new Na hvězdárně Třebešín residence in Prague 10 comprises a semi-closed site that is accessible only to apartment owners.  It is close to Malešice Park and Wood. And it is also close to the stars – both symbolically and in reality. This is because the site is on a raised place, closer to the starry sky. And the stars and constellations are used as a motif for orientation and entertainment. As an aesthetic and educational element that differentiates the Na hvězdárně Třebešín project from every other residence.



  • The residence is offering 65 apartments with layouts from one room + kitchenette to five rooms + kitchenette. It comprises three buildings, whose entrances are named after constellations. The images of the constellations on the facades act as building sym

  • All the apartments have their own balconies, enclosed balconies, terraces or individual front gardens, which are designed in such a way as to provide sufficient privacy. The site contains 84 parking spaces (67 in garages and 19 on the surface).

  • On the southern side the buildings shelter a closed, park-style space. Something like your private park – a place for relaxation and meeting friends. A green community space that is separate from the surrounding area and that can be locked.

  • The space also includes a “small observatory” – on the roof of a garden building there is a dome with a telescope and a map of the heavens. Other elements in the park are related to the universe and the stars - climbing frames similar to astronaut trainin


From your new home it will be a couple of steps to a large, well-maintained wood and the newly revitalised Malešice Park. The park has an area of 9 hectares and offers lots of ways to spend free time. There you will find a children’s playground and an exercise park for senior citizens and the handicapped, a place to relax by a unique waterfall and space reserved for walking dogs.

New cycling and inline skating paths will be constructed in the surrounding area. Over the street is the Hector sports facility, where you can exercise or play squash, badminton or tennis. Nearby you will find all civic facilities – shops in the wider city centre, primary and secondary schools, restaurants, petrol stations, a post office, etc.

There are no problems with transport. If you don’t want to travel by car, you can make use of several bus lines, your new house is three stops from Želivského metro station.

3 minutes

Billa, Lidl

Královské Vinohrady

10 minutes

park Malešice

5-10 minutes

Map of Location



  • Reservation ContractReservation fee totalling CZK 50,000 for an apartment with a layout of two rooms + kitchenette, CZK 80,000 for an apartment with a layout of three rooms + kitchenette and CZK 120,000 for an apartment with a layout of four rooms + kitchenette, payable within five days of the conclusion of the reservation contract.
  • Conclusion of Agreement on Future ContractA payment of up to 25% of the price of the apartment within 10 days of the conclusion of the agreement on future purchase contract.
  • Notification of Completion of Building ShellPayment totalling 40% of the price of the apartment - payment within 10 days of the delivery of a notification of completion of building shell, the entry of the building under construction in the land registry and the entry of a lien in favour of the client’s financing bank in the land registry.
  • Notification of Completion of Distribution Networks and PlasterworkPayment totalling 25% of the price of the apartment - payment within 10 days of delivery of notification of completion of distribution networks and plasterwork - documented by an entry in the site log or photographic documentation at the request of the financing bank or appraiser.
  • Notification of Occupation Approval of BuildingAn additional payment of 10% of the price of the apartment taking into consideration the reservation fee paid - payment within 10 days of the delivery of notification of occupation approval of the building, before the signature of the purchase contract.
  • Signature of Purchase Contract and Handover of Apartment


Michal Máša

Project manager

Manages projects from the technical and economic aspect. Communicates with authorities and project designers and coordinates building contractors. Organises the manufacturing elements, checks the work performed on the construction and, last but not least, supervises the construction timetable so that your new home is ready on time. He works closely with the sales specialists.

Zuzana Fialová

Sales specialist

She looks after you, our clients, from the first contact right up to the handover of the property. She knows virtually everything about the project, because she has generally been part of it since its inception. This makes her the right person for you to turn to in confidence. She works closely with the client changes and partnership programme coordinator and also colleagues from sales support, who act as her right hand throughout the entire project.

Michaela Lukander

Manažer partnerského programu

Michaela vám doporučí spolehlivého partnera, který navrhne funkční řešení celého interiéru a vybaví váš byt kuchyní, nábytkem do obývacího pokoje či ložnice za použití kvalitních materiálů a nadčasového designu. Dále vám představí nabídku na osvětlení bytu, inteligentní domácnost, stěhování či zprostředkuje službu garantovaného nájmu. Usnadní vám vybavení kompletního interiéru bez starostí a díky našim partnerům si vytvoříte komfortní a útulný domov.

Ondřej Dolínek

Hypotéční specialista

Jeho práce spočívá v nalezení ideálního modelu financování pro každého klienta. Provede Vás všemi kroky přípravy a schválení hypotéky. Díky úzké spolupráci nejen s hypotečními bankami, ale i dalšími členy projektového týmu nemusíte dodávat řadu dokumentů potřebných pro zajištění financování. Proces podpisu zástavní smlouvy je zajištěn tak, aby čerpání hypotéky bylo bez jakýchkoli komplikací a včas v souladu s uzavřenou smlouvou.

Petr Valeš

Specialista zdravého bydlení

Petr pracoval v několika projekčních ateliérech a poté zamířil do rezidenčního developmentu. Dnes je Produktovým manažerem JRD Development a především arbitrem kvality zdravého vnitřního prostředí pro všechny naše projekty. A protože je to odborník, který svou práci dělá s obrovským nasazením, neustále ho to vede k posouvání standardů zdravého a šetrného bydlení na nové úrovně.
