Small things make perfection, but perfection is not a small thing
Prague 10 - Strašnice
Apartment house
Apartments, commercial spaces
The Rezidence Michelangelova is in Michelangelova ulice in Prague 10. The building has more in common with the multitalented artist it is named after than just the address.<br /><br />The Renaissance sculptor, architect, painter and poet Michelangelo Buonarroti was obsessed with looking for perfection. He was also proficient in the latest scientific and technical advances of his time, which he used for his work. At JRD we are also looking for perfection. We make use of the latest scientific and technical knowledge for comfortable, environmentally-friendly, economical and healthy living. Michelangelo said: “The purpose of art is to make a person happy.”
The architecturally unique Rezidence Michelangelova will be on a closed, fenced site in a peaceful location, a mere 500 metres from Skalka metro station.
It is offering 27 apartments with layouts from one room + kitchenette to five rooms + kitchenette, three non-residential spaces and 25 parking spaces in a closed, common garage.
The building includes a relaxation part with a small playground and gazebo, which we call the Studio – you will be able to develop your creative skills in it.
Metro and bus stops, green space, a school, a nursery, shopping, links to the Prague Ring Road – you can find everything close to the building.
Strašnice is a peaceful, elegant district close to the centre of Prague. The First Republic villa district gives off the atmosphere of old films. The large amount of green space makes you want to live life in the slow lane. Relaxation and sports options are offered by the nearby Gutovka Park, the well-known Hostivař Reservoir and Malešice Park.
In the neighbourhood you will find a school, a nursery a medical centre and Tesco. It is only a few steps to the bus stop, 500 metres to Skalka metro station, a couple of minutes by car to the Prague Ring Road.
Studio Notakio offers professional interior design services from personal consultations to implementation of a client’s ideas and complete realisation. The largest and most important inspiration for the future creative concept is always the client’s view of the matter and a personal approach by the studio. Thanks to its wealth of experience and monitoring of current trends, Notakio gives its clients practical tips on how to deal with the specific requirements of an interior. For the creation of a cosy home the studio prefers natural materials and links them to modern, stylish fittings.
With the help of a 3D visualisation it has the option of verifying a proposed solution for an interior and examining new materials, compositions and colours in a virtual environment. Notakio arranges materials, realises designs and prepares an apartment for moving in.
Project manager
Manages projects from the technical and economic aspect. Communicates with authorities and project designers and coordinates building contractors. Organises the manufacturing elements, checks the work performed on the construction and, last but not least, supervises the construction timetable so that your new home is ready on time. He works closely with the sales specialists.
Sales specialist
She looks after you, our clients, from the first contact right up to the handover of the property. She knows virtually everything about the project, because she has generally been part of it since its inception. This makes her the right person for you to turn to in confidence. She works closely with the client changes and partnership programme coordinator and also colleagues from sales support, who act as her right hand throughout the entire project.
Manažer partnerského programu
Michaela vám doporučí spolehlivého partnera, který navrhne funkční řešení celého interiéru a vybaví váš byt kuchyní, nábytkem do obývacího pokoje či ložnice za použití kvalitních materiálů a nadčasového designu. Dále vám představí nabídku na osvětlení bytu, inteligentní domácnost, stěhování či zprostředkuje službu garantovaného nájmu. Usnadní vám vybavení kompletního interiéru bez starostí a díky našim partnerům si vytvoříte komfortní a útulný domov.
Hypotéční specialista
Jeho práce spočívá v nalezení ideálního modelu financování pro každého klienta. Provede Vás všemi kroky přípravy a schválení hypotéky. Díky úzké spolupráci nejen s hypotečními bankami, ale i dalšími členy projektového týmu nemusíte dodávat řadu dokumentů potřebných pro zajištění financování. Proces podpisu zástavní smlouvy je zajištěn tak, aby čerpání hypotéky bylo bez jakýchkoli komplikací a včas v souladu s uzavřenou smlouvou.
Specialista zdravého bydlení
Petr pracoval v několika projekčních ateliérech a poté zamířil do rezidenčního developmentu. Dnes je Produktovým manažerem JRD Development a především arbitrem kvality zdravého vnitřního prostředí pro všechny naše projekty. A protože je to odborník, který svou práci dělá s obrovským nasazením, neustále ho to vede k posouvání standardů zdravého a šetrného bydlení na nové úrovně.